How To Make Delicious Crispy


Prepare materials

- 150g Tai Ky flour
- 1 chicken egg
- 80g sugar
- 1 pinch of baking powder
- 30 - 40ml of water
- 20g cooking oil
- 1 pinch of salt
- 1 teaspoon chili powder


You put the remaining 60g of sugar in a clean pan, add a little water enough to wet the sugar, smooth the pan to dissolve the sugar and turn on the stove to boil the sugar water, pour all the fry into the pan and stir. Hands for a few minutes, the sugar water will dry out and the rock will dry again, crystallized sugar appears on the pot then turn off the heat. Continue to stir for a few more minutes to dry completely. This time, add chili powder and shock to stick evenly.
