History Of Fried Chicken


Fried Chicken History

Fried chicken is one of the most universal meals around. Almost everybody loves it. In the United States, the style of battering and frying chicken has become ubiquitous, but there’s many separate approaches to cooking this precious delicious meal around the globe. Here’s some of the history of fried chicken, prepared by the experts at Texas Chicken & Burger.


American style fried chicken started being crafted with more of an eye for artisanal preparation and fresh ingredients. Not only do higher quality casual dining depots start serving the dish, but even fancy restaurants try their hand at it, creating unique spins on the dish. Chicken begins to get fried in champagne, or combined with secret barbecue sauce recipes. Tons of international style fried chicken places start opening American restaurants where visitors can sample Guatemalan, Japanese, or Korean style fried chicken in tons of marinated, saturated, and extra crispy varieties. If this article hasn’t gotten you hungry, something might be wrong with you! And if it did, head on down to Texas Chicken & Burgers for the best fried chicken of your entire life!
